日本語: Vary (Region)の高度なテクニック


The Vary(Region) function is here! We’ve previously discussed the research here: Upcoming Feature: Inpainting)

Now, we’ll show you how to use the advanced techniques for the Vary(Region) feature.


How to Access the Vary (Region) feature.

You’ll find the Vary(Region) in the upscaled results, next to the Vary(Subtle) and Vary(Strong) buttons.


Be sure to update your discord client

If you don’t see the Vary(Region) button, press ctrl + shift + R on your discord client window to update and restart.

Selecting the Region

There are 4 important sections in this interface.


  1. The marquee lets you select a rectangular region.

  2. The lasso tool lets you freehand a region.

  3. The undo button that lets you fix your mistakes.

  4. The prompt box lets you modify your prompt.