日本語: Nijiモバイルアプリのご紹介

For many of us, mobile is the most intimate medium. It’s the first thing that greets us in the morning, and the last thing we fall asleep to at night.

It’s also very hard to type on.

And so, you can imagine the oddly-specific type of challenge it poses to niji・journey, where our primary business is turning text into image.

Real-life niji user, trying not to misspell “/imagine” while rolling over to the cold side of the pillow at the same time.

Real-life niji user, trying not to misspell “/imagine” while rolling over to the cold side of the pillow at the same time.

Sometimes, making the interface is just as important as making the model. With the release of our own mobile app, we’ve spent a long time crafting mobile-specific interactions for you to enjoy. Please, give these new features a try!

iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/niji-journey/id6446376937

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.spellbrush.nijijourney

If you can, take the time to give us a 5 star review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐! Even better, write something nice about your experience. Every review helps others discover the app, which makes the devs get more motivated to make cool features for you 🙏

IMPORTANT: If you have a Discord subscription

If you currently have a Discord sub, you must sign in with Discord to use your current subscription! Currently, the app supports Apple / Google login, but we’re unable to link your Apple/Google login to your Discord login.

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