日本語: Niji Journal 投稿受付開始!

We hope that you’ve been enjoying the new style. To commemorate the launch of the newest niji default style, we’re printing a second volume of the niji journal.

Read the instructions carefully below for a chance to be published in the niji journal!

prompt: young maid girl, cute, upper body, window, plant, dark-grey , indoor

prompt: young maid girl, cute, upper body, window, plant, dark-grey , indoor

How to Submit

The theme is "Maids & Butlers"

Whether it's just maids, just butlers, or both, it's okay! We also welcome illustrations that feature people or places related to maids or butlers.

Please submit your ideal illustration featuring maids or butlers, and don't forget to include the prompt you used!

Submission Guidelines:

Please use the submission channel #niji-journal-submission to submit!

Submission period