中文: Sref: 樣式參考!

日本語: Sref: スタイルリファレンス!

Hardly any time has elapsed since our last update, but we have a truly amazing feature that I wanted to talk about today.

You can use --sref in to give your Niji 6 generation a “style reference”


/imagine [your prompt] --sref [link to your style reference image]

For example

/imagine a girl with blue hair --sref https://link_to_my_file.com/my_cool_file

What Is a Style Reference?

“Please draw X in the style of Y” is one of the most popular requests we get around here. For example, we want to draw this concept

 a girl wearing sailor outfit, holding flowers

a girl wearing sailor outfit, holding flowers

In the style of this picture:

bunny sitting on the moon --niji 5 --style cute

bunny sitting on the moon --niji 5 --style cute