日本語: スタイルチューナー高度な使用ガイド

Here at niji, we devote the majority of our research to the classification and synthesis of unique styles. After all, anime itself is a big stylization: it doesn’t exist in reality.

When we first launched niji, we made 4 bespoke styles: expressive, cute, scenic, original. About a year into our journey, we launched a new feature that lets everyone tune their own unique styles.

If you haven’t tried style tuner yet, please give it a shot! You can use the personalized styles in the same way that you use the official niji styles: simply type --style, followed by the style code.

For full instructions on how to use style tuner, see Personalized Niji Styles!

Featuring… your niji team!

This devlog is dominated by my aesthetic, so for this installation, I asked other members of our hardworking niji team to contribute their own unique styles.

Here’s 2 fresh styles to try:



Decorated Paintings

