日本語: レッスン 6: イエス (ファンアート)

Associated Lesson: Study 6: Character Turnaround

What is a Character Setting?

Back to this nativity scene from lesson 1.


Possibly the most astonishing part about this painting is that even those of us not in the Christian faith could tell right away that this is Jesus. He probably has the strongest character setting in human history.

One of the core tenents of this class is that you should only draw pictures you like. It takes so long to learn how to draw well, you need a special kind of fervor and zealotry to fuel you. The most rich fuel in the world is fanart. It’s the type of fervor that will let you draw a single subject 1000 times.


The most fervant topic for the majority of western art history is, well, religion. So we’re today gonna talk about jesus fanart.

Imagine you’re an artist of the Renaissance, your patron has commissioned a cool painting to show off to all his friends and subjects. He wants something pretty but pious. Something to show off the lavish splendor of his domain, but at the same time tell everybody that he’s a moral, upright person. Something sexy, but not lewd. One last thing: nobody looking at the painting knows how to read, so the subject had better be clear.

Like a typical commissioner, his request is full of paradoxes. These artists rose to the challenge: