日本語: Study 6: キャラクターのターンアラウンド

Associated Lesson: Lesson 6: Jesus (Fanart)

In this study, you’ll be doing a character turnaround by using a character shape reference and a motif reference.

Character turnarounds are used in the creative industry to help stabilize the design of a character for production. Depending on the downstream application, turnarounds can have very specific requirements. Today, we’ll be drawing a simple turnaround, for illustration.

Step 1: Generate a motif reference and a character shape reference.



Take a moment to think about what this motif + character reference is. These two pictures mean that I’m drawing “baroque streetwear”

Step 2: Trace out the silhouettes of the character shape reference. Make sure to identify small, large, and medium areas!


Step 3: Paste the motif onto the outline of the traced character reference.


Step 4: Set the references layers to 30% and trace out the reference motif onto the reference character shape.
