日本語: レッスン7:(説得の)技術

Associated Study: Study 7: 5.5 Hour Drawing

When was the last time you persuaded somebody of something?

Recalling cicero again, the point of our art is to inform, to persuade, to entertain.

If you can think of lesson 5, rendering, as “informing

and lesson 6, fanart as entertaining,

then this one is about persuading

The most common form of persuasion in modern society is “let me get you to buy something”

The world’s first printed ad. Song dynasty “"We buy high quality steel rods and make fine quality needles, to be ready for use at home in no time”

The world’s first printed ad. Song dynasty “"We buy high quality steel rods and make fine quality needles, to be ready for use at home in no time”

Advertising is persuasion, and persuasion is the strength of a concept.

Introducing… the world’s most powerful concept (can you guess?)

A hot girl.

We mentioned before, art starts in the mind of the creator and finishes in the mind of the viewer.