日本語: Study 7: 5時間半のドローイング

Associated Study: Lesson 7: The Art (of Persuasion)


For our final project, you will be taking the pieces you’ve been building all semester, and turning it into a simple finished painting!

Since ages past, artists have composed finished works by “studying” the various components of the picture first. (This is why these are called “Studies”)

Michaelangelo’s studies for Libyan Sibyl (part of the Sistine Chapel)

Michaelangelo’s studies for Libyan Sibyl (part of the Sistine Chapel)

In the final project of this class, we’ll be constructing a finished piece from the studies you’ve done so far! Since you’ve already drawn them once, you should be more familiar with them!

This project will take more than 1 hour, so we’ve broken it down to five 1-hour sections. At the end of each section, submit your in-progress work to blk cat!

You have the opportunity to submit the final picture for feedback from Chroma!

We will be constructing a picture like so:


Hour 1: Prepare the Character